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Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities: Internal and External Factors

Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities: Internal and External Factors
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200 Р
Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities: Internal and External Factors
Mikhail Gorshkov
2017 г.
М.: Издательство «Весь Мир»
ISBN 9-785-7777-0692-8
94 с.

The book provides summaries of the main results and findings of the three-year national sociological monitoring survey of the state and dynamics of Russians' mass consciousness in the face of crisis and new challenges which manifested themselves in 2014-2016. It analyses consistently the impacts of socio-economic, political,ethno-religious and psychological contexts of the national everyday life, which influence  adaptation of Russians to  crisis conditions. Particular attention is given to socio-cultural and foreign policy issues of a qualitatively new social reality in which Russian society finds itself today.

The book is designed for specialists and a general audience who wishes to acquaint themselves with the Russian reform process, as well as with its perception and reflection in mass consciousness and living practices of our co-citizens.

Что внутри
Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities: Internal and External Factors
Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities: Internal and External Factors
Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities: Internal and External Factors
Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities: Internal and External Factors
Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities: Internal and External Factors
Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities: Internal and External Factors
Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities: Internal and External Factors
Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities: Internal and External Factors
Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities: Internal and External Factors
Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities: Internal and External Factors
Избранные главы
  • The contemporary social dynamics and complexity of social life makes high demands for integrated multidimensional sociological knowledge and, above all, in regard to explain and predict the current functioning and trends of the development of individual spheres of society and social changes in general....
  • Вышла в свет книга на английском языке академика М.К. Горшкова Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities. Internal and External Factors.
Об авторе

Горшков Михаил Константинович

Научный руководитель Федерального научно-исследовательского социологического центра РАН (ФНИСЦ РАН), доктор философских наук, академик Российской академии наук, лауреат Государственной премии Российской Федерации в области науки и техники.

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